Top Reasons to Replace Siding

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Siding is one of your house’s primary components, providing protection from the elements and defining the exterior style. As it gets worn or damaged over time, it’s essential to replace siding material, and it’s also a great way to give your exterior a makeover.

There are many benefits to having new siding installed on your home, and the following are just a handful.

Benefits of a Home Exterior Makeover with Siding

Enhance Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Refreshing the exterior of your house with replacement siding can dramatically boost curb appeal. It will give the property a vibrant new look, appearing brighter and newer. With a variety of house siding options to consider, you can completely change the color or even the entire style of your house.

Boost Your Home’s Property Value

If you plan to sell your home in the future, replacing the siding could make the biggest difference in boosting its worth. Aside from making it look fresh and more modern, new siding will protect your home from potential structural damage incurred by the weather. While installing new siding on your home may be an investment, it’s one that comes with a hefty return. In fact, going with an option like fiber cement siding is known to have an ROI of 75% to 85% over time.

Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

New, light-colored siding won’t attract so much of the sun’s heat, helping to reduce your overall energy costs. Add increased insulation to the exterior walls and this benefit will be even clearer in your utility bills.

Repair Unseen Structural Damage to Your Home

It’s common for houses to sustain structural damage underneath their siding without showing any obvious signs to the homeowner. This damage could be a result of rainwater leaking in through cracks around windows, leading to cracks in the drywall. When you hire a professional contractor to replace siding, they can check for and repair any structural damage hiding behind your old siding.

Paint Your Home Less in the Future

Installing one of the many new house siding options will help you save on house painting for a much longer time. You will never need to paint again and save all the money you would of spent on painting.

New siding won’t just make your home look crisp and clean, you’ll feel better after a home exterior makeover, too! Get in touch with a home improvements expert to start making upgrades today.